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(广西翻译公司www.gxglang.com 0771-2839077)

1. Sleep disorders
It is important to maintain a normal work life balance. Set a definite time frame for work. Working at odd hours can cause sleeping disorders. If possible, do not work at home. All the official work should be done in the office only. This will ensure a normal sleeping pattern. Working at odd hours can also cause stress.
2. Exhaustion
Work life imbalance can cause exhaustion. Working for prolonged hours can cause physical and mental exhaustion in most cases. It is important to work for definite hours. Working all the time can cause stress. And, stress causes physical burnout.
3. Negative thinking
Working for long hours can also cause inefficiency. Inefficiency can cause loss of productivity. You might be physically present in the office, but might not be able to give hundred percent to your work. Long working hours can also cause negative thinking.
4. Stress
Work life imbalance can trigger the condition of stress. Meeting of deadlines and working at odd hours can result in mental stress. Mental stress can cause physical problems in the body. To relieve stress, it is important to set fixed hours for working. Practise some stress relief tricks to maintain your health.
5. Change in behavior
There may be a possible change in your behavior due to work life imbalance. There is a feeling of frustration. Many women also experience mood swings because of this reason. When you notice a change of behavior, be sure what is causing the same.
6. Change in physical appearance
Work life imbalance also causes a change in physical appearance. There may be a sudden weight gain or weight loss because of this. As working for long hours causes stress, there might be appearance of wrinkles on the face. It is important to take care of your health and reduce stress related to work.
7. Physical ailments
If you work for long hours, it can cause stress in the body. Stress causes various physical ailments like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Increase in cholesterol levels and blood pressure can cause heart related problems. Therefore, it is important to keep work related stress in control.
Stressful work life can cause many problems related to health. It is important to maintain a proper balance to stay active and fit.

Warning : seven signs that your work life is affecting your health
(广西翻译公司www.gxglang.com 0771-2839077)

Work is important, but definitely not at the cost of your health. Many a time, women ignore their health due to work related stress. Ignoring health because of work can cause trouble in the long run. Listed below are some signs that your work life is affecting your health, read on.
1. Sleep disorders
It is important to maintain a normal work life balance. Set a definite time frame for work. Working at odd hours can cause sleeping disorders. If possible, do not work at home. All the official work should be done in the office only. This will ensure a normal sleeping pattern. Working at odd hours can also cause stress.
2. Exhaustion
Work life imbalance can cause exhaustion. Working for prolonged hours can cause physical and mental exhaustion in most cases. It is important to work for definite hours. Working all the time can cause stress. And, stress causes physical burnout.
3. Negative thinking
Working for long hours can also cause inefficiency. Inefficiency can cause loss of productivity. You might be physically present in the office, but might not be able to give hundred percent to your work. Long working hours can also cause negative thinking.
4. Stress
Work life imbalance can trigger the condition of stress. Meeting of deadlines and working at odd hours can result in mental stress. Mental stress can cause physical problems in the body. To relieve stress, it is important to set fixed hours for working. Practise some stress relief tricks to maintain your health.
5. Change in behavior
There may be a possible change in your behavior due to work life imbalance. There is a feeling of frustration. Many women also experience mood swings because of this reason. When you notice a change of behavior, be sure what is causing the same.
6. Change in physical appearance
Work life imbalance also causes a change in physical appearance. There may be a sudden weight gain or weight loss because of this. As working for long hours causes stress, there might be appearance of wrinkles on the face. It is important to take care of your health and reduce stress related to work.
7. Physical ailments
If you work for long hours, it can cause stress in the body. Stress causes various physical ailments like high cholesterol and blood pressure. Increase in cholesterol levels and blood pressure can cause heart related problems. Therefore, it is important to keep work related stress in control.
Stressful work life can cause many problems related to health. It is important to maintain a proper balance to stay active and fit.


Why so many job interviewers are terrible
(广西翻译公司www.gxglang.com 0771-2839077)

What songs best describe your work ethic? How many cows are in Canada? A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?


Those queries come from the Top 25 Oddball Interview Questions for 2013, as compiled by the job hunters'' website Glassdoor. Allegedly, they''re all actual conversational gambits used by corporate interviewers.


You may think such questions could produce useful insights. Or you might see them as off the wall. But are your interview questions any better?


Managers tend to think of interviewing job candidates as "something that''s easy," says Pamela Skillings, president and chief trainer at Skillful Communications in New York. Believing they''ve reached a career level where they have been magically imbued with the gift of giving a good job interview, such managers wing it and fail to prepare questions that will reveal the best potential employees. All too often, they get a penguin in a sombrero.

纽约职业培训公司Skillful Communications总裁兼首席培训师帕米拉•斯柯林斯认为,管理者通常认为面试求职者“是非常简单的事情”。这些管理者们相信,他们已经达到了一定的职业水平,如有神助般地获得了足以出色完成面试的天赋。这类管理者通常会即兴发挥,不会提前考虑,哪些问题才能真正挖掘出最具潜力的员工。通常情况下,他们也就能想出带帽子的企鹅这类问题。

"They end up hiring someone who costs the company a lot" in wasted training time and salary expenses, Skillings says. "You try to fix the mistake you made in the interview process. Then you have to fire the person or move them into a different role, and you have to start over."


Some managers try to protect themselves with vague questions of the "tell-me-about-yourself" variety. But experts say such prosaic questions produce answers of little use.


Before you sit down with job candidates, "you need a great shopping list" that lays out what you need to know about each applicant for a particular position, says Mel Kleiman, author of Hire Tough, Manage Easy and president of HR consulting firm Humetrics, which is based in Sugar Land, Texas. It''s basic stuff, Kleiman says: "Can you do the job? Can you do the job at the degree of excellence needed? Will you do it? Can you and I live together? If you are hired, can you put up with our culture and [can] we put up with your personality?"

《严格招聘,轻松管理》(Hire Tough, Manage Easy)一书的作者麦尔•克莱曼认为,开始面试之前,“面试官应该列一个详细的清单”,其中应该针对每一个特殊位置的每一位求职者,列出自己需要了解的信息。克莱曼是德克萨斯州舒格兰市人力资源咨询公司Humetrics的总裁。这是最基本的东西,克莱曼说:“你能做这份工作吗?你在这个岗位上能否达到我们需要的优秀水平?你愿意做这份工作吗?你和我合得来吗?如果你被聘用,你能接受我们的文化吗?我们又是否能接受你的个性呢?”

Rather than focusing on eliciting the answers they need, inexperienced interviewers often ask rote questions that "bounce along the surface without getting to know the real person behind the interview hype," says Paul Falcone, author of 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire. "There''s not much rhyme or reason to their questioning techniques" and they ask the same basic types of questions to all candidates for all positions.

克莱曼表示,这些并不是面试问题,而是模版。面试官可以通过这些模版设计问题,从中了解到“这个人是否适合这份工作,这份工作又是否适合这个人?”没有经验的面试官不会专注于引出他们需要的答案,而是会问一些生搬硬套的问题,“结果只能流于表面,无法了解那个人在面试花招背后的真实情况,”保罗•法尔科恩说。法尔科恩著有《招聘之前必须问的96个绝妙面试问题》(96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire)一书。“他们的提问技巧没有任何逻辑性,”而且,他们对所有职位的所有求职者都会问相同类型的、最基本的问题。

Falcone''s examples of rote questions:


Who was your favorite boss, and what would he or she say about you?


Which position was your favorite and why?


Why do you think you''d want to work here?


What questions can I answer for you?


Effective interviewers ask "behavioral" questions, according to Skillings. They use phrases such as, "tell me about a time, give me an example," she says, because the way a person reacted to a past situation may be an indication of what he or she will do in the future.


So, "instead of asking ''Are you a good negotiator?'' it''s better to say, ''Tell me about a negotiation and how it went.'' Get a real example. Probe for details. Get to the heart of what you need to know," Skillings says.


Falcone''s examples of effective interview questions:


Walk me through the progression in your career leading me up to what you do now on a day-to-day basis.


What makes you stand out among your peers?


What criteria are you using in selecting your next employer, including the industries you''re considering, company criteria, and the roles and titles that you''re pursuing?


Ask questions that "reveal a candidate''s level of career introspection," Falcone says. "Do they know what they want? Can they articulate their career history in a clear and compelling manner?"


During the interview, really listen to the candidate, Kleiman says. "You''ll never learn anything while you''re talking."


If hiring people isn''t your main job, don''t be afraid to ask for help, recommends Skillings, who teaches workshops and online courses on conducting interviews. "We see a little bit of attitude from managers" at the beginning of training, she says. "`I don''t need this, I know how the deal works.'' By the end, they realize they didn''t know things, or were rusty."


(广西翻译公司www.gxglang.com 0771-2839077)